3 Things You Need to Know Before You Pick a Sheet Metal Company

Date: 24/09/2018

Finding the best supplier or manufacturer for any product can be a challenge and even more so when the product is pretty specialist. Sheet metal fabrication is one of those industries that is so specialist that it can be hard to know exactly what to look for. However, there are some basic principles that apply, whatever product you are looking for, and these can help when finding a high-quality sheet metal fabrication firm.

Cheap and Cheerful?

Whatever you’re sourcing, cost is always a significant factor. However, cheap is rarely cheerful in the end and only looking at the lower priced end of the spectrum, especially for specialist products like sheet metal enclosures or other fabricated steel products, will usually end in tears. Balancing cost with the ability to process orders quickly, design and manufacture bespoke items or provide additional advice and services is the rule here.

Whilst this doesn’t mean that you have to pick the most expensive product or service it does mean carefully considering how competitive and experienced your suppliers are. The speed of sheet metal fabrication can reduce the price of the finished product and that leads on to the next point to check out when steel fabricators.

Software and Equipment

Check out the processes and equipment that your suppliers use; modern techniques such as laser cutting – as opposed to shearing and or punching – have several benefits. Precision engineering is possible with laser cutting and the process doesn’t leave burring or sharp edges that need to be further cleaned and processed, cutting production time and therefore cost.

Firms using the most modern software for design and manufacture – computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacture (CAM) – are often top of the game. This type of software again speeds the production process and also allows for a great deal of flexibility and the creation of bespoke designs for nearly any application or solution.

Experience, Length and Breadth

Experience matters, and this is particularly true in a specialist field like steel fabrication. Yorkshire has long been home to industry leaders and the region is still home to some of the UK’s top firms, whilst the local workforce still have the expertise needed to work in the industry.  Checking out other aspects of the firm’s experience is also useful.

Previous work in a broad range of sectors – including everything from the automotive industry to pharmaceutical and medical sectors, perhaps by way of the telecoms industry, will show that a firm has both the experience and flexibility that will ensure that they can produce exactly what you need, when you need it.

Yorkshire Laser boasts a wealth of experience with innovation to ensure we can design and deliver the most up to date, reliable and sustainable solutions to your sheet metal fabrication problems. Get in touch today and find out how we can help.